Talk Shows

Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri Supreme Court Ky Faisly Sy Naraz Kio?

Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri Supreme Court Ky Faisly Sy Naraz Kio?

Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri is not agreed on 14 days scrotni

Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri is not agreed on 14 days scrotni

Failure of human behavior is not the failure of Institutaion

Failure of human behavior is not the failure of Institutaion

Musharraf's 'Shut Up' to Jasmeen on Tahir-ul-Qadri's Movement

Musharraf's 'Shut Up' to Jasmeen on Tahir-ul-Qadri's Movement

Dr Raheeq Ahmad Abassi with Mujahid Braveli on CNBC TV in Dusra Pehlo

Dr Raheeq Ahmad Abassi with Mujahid Braveli on CNBC TV in Dusra Pehlo

What is the value of Long March Declaration?

What is the value of Long March Declaration?

What is the meaning of Marshal Law during Long March?

What is the meaning of Marshal Law during Long March?

Pakistan's constitution allows dual citizenship

Pakistan's constitution allows dual citizenship

Hukoomat ny Bad Governance or Corruption ky sabqa record tor diye

Hukoomat ny Bad Governance or Corruption ky sabqa record tor diye

Parliament ki taraf proceed krta to democracy na bachti - Dr Qadri

Parliament ki taraf proceed krta to democracy na bachti - Dr Qadri

Politicians Ko Yeh Tareeka Zaib Nahi Deta

Politicians Ko Yeh Tareeka Zaib Nahi Deta

The consultation should not with the judiciary on caretaker Govt

The consultation should not with the judiciary on caretaker Govt

Politicians Ko Yeh Tareeka Zaib Nahi Deta - Dr Qadri

Politicians Ko Yeh Tareeka Zaib Nahi Deta - Dr Qadri